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 Release on 13. Sept 2024

Weber’s new project  “Imaginary Cycle”


Florian Weber is an award-winning pianist known for merging classical virtuosity with contemporary jazz.

His music is marked by a deep sensitivity to sound, with a refined approach to dynamics and structure that infuses each piece with emotional depth. Weber transitions seamlessly between complex rhythms and delicate, lyrical passages, making his performances both intellectually stimulating and emotionally resonant. Weber’s collaborations include jazz legends like Michael Brecker, Pat Metheny, Tomasz Stańko, and Lee Konitz. His acclaimed recordings with trumpeter Markus Stockhausen, such as Alba, and the praised album Lucent Waters with an American all-star quartet showcase his ability to integrate various musical styles into a cohesive and innovative sound.


Recipient of the German Jazz Critics Prize, Weber is also an accomplished composer. His work explores the intersection of composition and improvisation, blending structured and spontaneous elements. His latest projects continue to push jazz boundaries by incorporating classical and avant-garde influences.

Florian Weber has been a permanent member of the NDR Bigband in Hamburg since August 2021.

Release date: Sept 2024

CD  18,90 € /  2LP 37,90 €

Release date: NOV 2018

CD  18,90 

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